What we do
Some of the classes we have offered:
STEAM programming
Egyptian pyramids (Art & Engineering
African board games (Art & Math)
Taino Rocks ( Art & Science)
Social-Emotional Art Programming
Teaching with Trauma Informed Curriculum
Wellness and Recovery Programs
Arts Integration For Math and Literacy Achievement
Music and Poetry in Writing
Using Measurement in Dance and Visual Arts
Traditional Folk Art, Music, Dance and Theatre
Congo (Haiti)
Bomba (Puerto Rico)
Tinikling (Philippines)
This program fulfills the following Illinois State Standards and more:
State Goal 25 : Students who meet the standard understand the sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive qualities of the arts.
State Goal 26.A.4a: Analyze how resources, technologies and processes are combined to express meaning in dance and evaluate expressive content, stylistic differences and aspects of production.
State Goal 26.A.4c: Analyze ways in which musical sounds are produced and how they are used in composing, conducting and performing.
State Goal 26.B.4b: Create and Perform an ensemble drama or theatre scene using research, collaboration, characterization and staging in combination with aural and visual technologies.
State Goal 27.A.4a :Evaluate how consumer trends in art affect the types and styles of art products.
State Goal 16. A. 1a : Explain the difference between past, present, and future time: place themselves in time.
State Goal 16. A. 1c : Describe how people in different times and places viewed the world in different ways.